Dina Preston Band

Prepare to be amazed by the incredible music and video collaboration, “When The World Calls Your Name,” between The Dina Preston Band and Tunisia88. This groundbreaking project made possible with support from the U.S. Department of State’s Arts Envoy program, American Voices, and the U.S. Embassy in Tunisia, brings together American and Tunisian musical influences in a way that celebrates the richness of both cultures.

The collaboration between The Dina Preston Band and Tunisia88 highlights the unifying power of music, bringing people from different backgrounds together to create something truly extraordinary. “When The World Calls Your Name” is a project that blends American and Tunisian musical influences in a way that showcases the unique qualities of each culture. The lyrics of the song emphasize themes of family togetherness and optimism, performed in both English and Arabic.

Through this project, The Dina Preston Band and Tunisia88 aim to demonstrate how music can unite people, regardless of their backgrounds, to create something truly remarkable. Their collaboration is an opportunity for people to experience the uplifting power of music and witness the extraordinary things that can happen when people come together. This exciting collaboration is not to be missed, so be sure to catch their video, When the World Calls Your Name-Tunisia, and The Dina Preston Band when they take center stage at a concert in Tunis on May 20, 2023. The band tour will also include stops in Djerba, Gafsa, and Kairouan, where the band will showcase their musical talents and educate about cultural entrepreneurship.

“When The World Calls Your Name” is an exciting project that showcases the unifying power of music. The collaboration between The Dina Preston Band and Tunisia88 brings together American and Tunisian musical influences to create something truly unique and inspiring. The project emphasizes the diversity of both cultures and demonstrates how music can bring people together to create something truly remarkable. Don’t miss out on this unforgettable event, as the Dina Preston Band takes center stage in Tunis on May 20, 2023.